Nice Tables:
CSV numbers come in as strings. You need to convert them to numbers when you sort, or when you read them in. We do that with the +d.value
Alphabetic sorting: If you sort strings, you get ascending alphabetic order by default. This is why you have to be careful to convert strings read in by d3 to numbers, if you don't want text sort order.
Sort the data before you create the table! (Or else you can select and sort the table rows, but that's fancier.)
If you made the table "the array way" in d3_table.html, you have to sort by index.
// sort by difference descending - the 4th item in each array:
myArray.sort(function(a,b) {
return d3.descending(a[3], b[3]);
If you used tabulate.js, you are using objects, and you sort by the attribute on the object instead.
You can do it with simple CSS or D3. It's usually better to use CSS unless you are doing custom code-logic based styles.
Assigning a style in d3:<dom element>).style("color", "#eeeeee");
Adding a class in D3 -- which can be used for CSS style source:
d3.selectAll("p").attr("class", "myparas");
// results in all p items having class myitem: p.myparas.
Let's look at Claudia's table:
How would be put a %
symbol on some of the values in the table? There are a few ways, but this is one:
cells = rows.selectAll("td")
// each row has data associated; we get it and enter it for the cells.
.data(function(d) {
return d;
.text(function(d, i) {
// i is the index of the d item. we can use it for a test:
if (i === 4) {
return d + "%";
} else {
return d;
The tabulate.js function uses a list of objects per row to make the table, not an array per row.
This is the tabulate "magic" function. Remember you passed in the column names from your CSV to use it:
.data(function(row) {
// he does it this way to guarantee you only use the
// values for the columns you provide.
return {
// return a new object with a value set to the row's column value.
return { value: row[column] };
What this does is take the array of objects at each row, and look up the value of each column. It's making an array of d.value objects to use for each cell's td.
But this means that the current tabulate function needs to have the exact column names from your CSV file. And it uses those same column names to make the column headers in the table, even if they are not friendly human text!
How could we fix the tabulate.js function to allow for nicer table header names? Let's discuss it.
We use datum() to join data to an item, but never with enter(). We just create one data-driven entity this way. Enter() creates multiple items.
You can do"body").data()
or generally D3
to see what data is attached to the selection. Remember to use something to identify your new elements as different from any existing ones... we want a one-to-one mapping between data and DOM elements.
Let's play with d3_data_datum.html.
Let's look at this method of using jquery to make a d3 table sortable.
Supplementary FYI reading:
A very cool project:
SVG stands for "scaleable vector graphics." D3 can create DOM elements that can be manipulated like you've been manipulating other HTML elements, such as <p>
and <table>
. SVG elements include shapes like circles and rectangles, which is why it's useful for creating charts.
D3 can manipulate and draw SVG, which is how many interactive data graphics are created. (An alternative is to use canvas for drawing shapes, but things drawn on canvas can't be manipulated as DOM elements like SVG items can, leading to some downsides.)
Even independent of the rest of D3, the scales are incredibly powerful and useful tools. Scales map numbers from a domain into a range. In particular, we need to turn numbers that are in our input data into pixel locations on the screen. Or into colors.
This image is from Jerome Cukier's post on d3 scales:
Our data is the domain, and the range is what we want it to look like on the screen.
See my example file: scale_examples.html
To make scales, you usually need to know some extreme values in your data. Don't forget to make sure you do it with numeric values! Use the + converter if you didn't yet!
var myMax = d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.value;
var myMin = d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.value;
// then use .domain([myMin, myMax])
var myMaxAndMin = d3.extent(data, function(d) {
return +d.value;
}); // returns an array of [max, min] for you
// then use .domain(myMaxAndMin) -- no brackets here, it's an array already
See more examples in scale_examples.html.
Ordinal color scales are colors that map one-to-one to a data point that's usually not numeric. So, if you want apples to be red, blueberries blue, and oranges orange:
d3.scale.ordinal().domain(['apples', 'blueberries', 'oranges']).range(['red', 'blue', 'orange']);
Or you can do quantitative scales for colors, where a value maps to a shade. Look at d3_table_heatmap.html, where we add a color range to one column of numbers. You could have done this on the font itself, of course.
This is a common pattern in D3:
// set up the size of the SVG container for the graph (later we'll add margins)
var height = 350;
var width = 300;
var widthScale = d3.scale.linear().range([ 0, width ]);
// load the data file
d3.csv("data/water_improvement_data.csv", function(error, data) {
// set the domain of the scale, based on the data in the file:
widthScale.domain([ 0, d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.year2015;
}) ]);
Look at d3_dynamic_domain.html.
Note that with chaining, you can put your domain and range in any order on your scale function. d3.scale.linear().domain([]).range([])
is fine, and so is d3.scale.linear.range([]).domain([])
Let's peek at
We should review this for the general code structuring in your project. Don't be worried if you are getting tripped up on it, it took me a long time to figure it out at first too.
var scale;
var data = [];
scale = d3.scale.linear().range([0, width]);
// here's the function def:
function doSomething(arg) {
var var1 = scale; // I can see this because it was declared outside my scope
var data = arg; // this is the local variable
scale.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) {return d.value;})); // update the domain
Let's discuss that snippet. What's happening in it?
files add functions and variables to your workspace, just like if you wrote them in a <script>
tag in the index.htmnl page.Readings:
Homework 1 (35pt): Sortable Heatmap Table
Make a table like the one in d3_table_heatmap.html for your data. You can modify your existing table if you want. It should be sortable using stupidtable.js. Make a color scale for one of your numeric columns. You can use the scale on a font or the background.
Same rules as before:
Send me the gist: "Week4: Sortable Heatmap table"
Homework 2 (15pt): SVG Fixes, In Class, Hopefully
Using the file in svg_to_fix.html, I want you to add some styling, using d3 and style sheets. You might need to look up stuff in the SVG references.
Send me the gist with "Week 4: SVG fixes"
Homework 3 (20pt):
Using the model in d3_dynamic_domain.html, make your own barchart for your own data. Pick one of your numeric columns, and resize the SVG container to fit it. You can adjust range etc. as you like. Add text to the page saying what it is showing.
Send it to me as "Week4: Starter Bars"